Step 1

Step 1. Choose a photograph of a trip with friends, family or alone. You need to appear describe that trip. Tell us if you travel by land, sea or air. Talk about the weather, the food, the activities you do in this city. Tourist place in the city and describe them.


I was in Buga, Valle Cauca with my husband, we went a few days ago to fulfill a promise that my husband had made when he was starting his professional career it was a very wonderful trip.
Our trip started in the city of Manizales, we left the house at 7 in the morning, we traveled by land on a motorbike, it was very spectacular we could see different landscapes, we started our route along the coffee route, there we could observe the big coffee crops and banana, in addition to its diversity of wild species, continuing with our tour we find the viewpoint of Pedro, at the entrance of the city of Pereira, later we find the viaduct, this city is characterized by its large companies and their trade , we continue along the Cartago-Tuluá route, we find a large area of ​​crops such as sugarcane and the transport of machinery for the processing of these, we also observe pineapple crops and a lot of livestock, during our journey we crossed three departments which were Caldas, Risaralda and Valle del Cauca, the municipalities through which we pass are of warm climate.

 We arrived at eleven o'clock in the morning we met a large number of people who come on pilgrimage from different cities in Colombia, Buga is a city in the department of Valle del Cauca, as this is well known for its Basilica of the Lord of Miracles , there is evidence of great trade in religious objects, its climate is very warm which ranges between 25 ° and 35 ° Celsius, a place of pilgrimage that houses a sacred image of Christ who is believed to work miracles. To the west are the extensive open waters of the Calima reservoir, a very active water sports center. Geneva, a small city just south of Buga. Its full name is Guadalajara de Buga, because it is crossed by the Guadalajara River, also called Río de las Piedras, which is born in the middle part of the Central Mountain Range.

Guadalajara de Buga is characterized by having land in the flat part of the Valley and in the mountainous part, it has several thermal floors, such as hot, temperate, cold and páramo. The surface by thermal floors is distributed as follows: Warm 153 km², temperate 169 km², cold 243 km² and páramo 271 km².

Its economic activities are based on trade, agriculture, livestock, tourism and industry.
The food that can be tasted in Guadalajara de Buga and its surroundings are authentic Creole dishes of the region, such as the chicken sancocho in a wood-burning stove, the arroz atollado, the tortilla soup, the soup of bread in Lent, the stew of meat and potatoes, arepas prepared with shredded chicken, the trunks of plantain stewed with pork rinds, the tamales, the fritanga and the aged stews.
The tourist place of this municipality is the minor basilica of the Lord of the Miracles of Buga which is one of the main religious centers of pilgrimage of Catholicism. It is visited annually by more than 1,000,000 people. You can also find other sites such as: the historic sector that presents a series of buildings of heritage value, the Old Railway Station, the Municipal Theater and the House of Finance "La Julia".

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